Imagine stepping up to the edge of a 102-foot waterfall, jumping off, maintaining a pose for as long as you can, and at the last second readjusting your body to land head-first into the water. That’s exactly what Asbjorg Nesje of Norway did last June at Abiqua Falls in Oregon. Abiqua Falls is located in central Oregon directly east of Salem and Silverton – it's on private land - accessible via a trailhead. Reaching the falls was the first challenge for Asbjorg Nesje.

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What is Death Diving?

Instagram screenshot: Steve Donovan @es_dons
Instagram screenshot: Steve Donovan @es_dons   Death Dive - Asbjorg Nesje

Until I ran across this crazy video, I didn’t know there was such a thing as ‘Death Diving’, and to say it is risky is putting it lightly – I mean, it lives up to its name, right? Essentially, it involves jumping from an extreme height while maintaining a specific pose until just before entering the water. The practice of ‘Death Diving’ began in Norway in the late 1960s and is still very popular in that country.

Instagram screenshot: Steve Donovan @es_dons
Instagram screenshot: Steve Donovan @es_dons

The Instagram video (below) posted by Wonderson3arth and captured by photographer, Steve Donovan, shows Nesje maintaining her ‘Death Dive’ posture until the very last moment. She was the first to jump from Abiqua Falls at that height – 102 feet! Her dive broke the world record for the highest ‘Death Dive’ by a female. Is this bravery or insanity? Either way, it is amazing to watch.


9 'Conspiracy Theories' from the Sports World

Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory and we run down 9 of the best ones from the world of sports (and Kevin Costner?) here.

Gallery Credit: Wood

The Most and Least Expensive States for Sports Tickets

Remitly, a leading digital financial services provider for immigrants and their families recently conducted a study to determine which states in America have the priciest and cheapest tickets for a live event professional sports. For full methodology, see the link found in the #1 entry for Remitly's Most and Least Expensive States for Sports Tickets

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow