Chelan County’s STR Code to Be Reviewed at Public Hearing
The Chelan County Planning Commission has a public hearing scheduled for Nov. 13.
The hearing pertains to the county's short-term rental code, which in recent years has proven controversial, especially in the upper valley and parts of Chelan.
Topics of discussion include onsite parking, occupancy and administrative language.

All of this amounts to bureaucratic tinkering. There are adjustments to be made, but a top-to-bottom overhaul of the STR code is most assuredly not in the works, says Commissioner Shon Smith.
"We're not opening up the entire code," Smith says flatly. "I think there's a misconception out there that the entire code is being thrown out and we're starting over. That's not the case; we're just looking at a couple issues and trying to clean it up so the code is easier to read and more understandable for folks."
The hearing itself, Smith says, will be orderly and procedural.
"We'll have the opportunity to potentially improve upon sections of the code. At the hearing, Community Development will present a staff report, which is normal, and then they'll share updates recommended by the Board of County Commissioners. That's when the three [commissioners] put our heads together and say, 'These are the issues we'd like to take a look out right now.' Then the hearing will be open to public comment."
Each commenter will have three minutes to make their case. Written comments are also welcome; in fact, the county has already received a few hundred of them.
Email CD.Comment@co.chelan.wa.us if you'd like to submit comments of your own.
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