Simulated School Bus Crash to Take Place in Wenatchee
Residents may soon notice a heightened law enforcement presence in the vicinity of now-defunct Columbia Elementary School.
A full-scale dramatic simulation of a school bus crash is planned for Friday, Nov. 15. First responders will rush to the aid of child and adult passengers in various states of distress. Don't be alarmed by this grim spectacle, referred to colloquially as Operation Tiny Guardians - none of the injuries are for real, according to a Confluence Health press release.
As if to reinforce that this is all make-believe, "The fictional patients will have their condition and status indicated on cards, and some
will also have simulated injuries depicted with makeup applied by moulage artists to help add to the realism of the exercise."

The exercise was the brainchild of Confluence Health and the Wenatchee School District. Other partners include Wenatchee Valley Fire, the Washington State Patrol, Chelan-Douglas Health District, Link Transit, RiverCom, Lifeline, Life Flight and Airlift NW.
Because minors are involved, Confluence will "activate its Emergency Response Team alongside the Chelan-Douglas Health District Reserve Medical Corps to practice managing a pediatric safe zone to care for unaccompanied minors and assist in the reunification process with their parents or authorized adult."
Why go through with this at all? Confluence has a very good reason, says emergency preparedness coordinator Jean-Michael Dapena-Torres. The simulation "offers important opportunities for local law enforcement, first responders, educators and medical staff to come together and use their emergency plans in something resembling a real incident."
The exercise "also provides a chance for local educators to vet their own protocols and to better coordinate with other agencies and organizations on ensuring safety for the youngest residents and the educators who work with them."