How Much do Entrepreneurs *Actually* Make in WA?
First of all.
What even is an entrepreneur? (for the record, I had to let autocorrect help with that)

a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Source
What are some good examples of entrepreneurship?
Think of Being an entrepreneur? These are the Most Know Businesses
Gallery Credit: Aly
It's really cool to see those businesses at the top, I say this Soley in reference to the fact that, they have become so big within themself that humanity wouldn't know what to do without them.
Don't believe me? Take someone's electronic away from them.
Don't actually do this hahah! I will not be responsible for the repercussions.
So, for a Washington State resident looking to start an entrepreneurship, what could they see, financially?
According to ZipRecruiter: "As of Jul 15, 2024, the average hourly pay for the Entrepreneurship jobs category in Washington is $17.24 an hour."
Now, how does that compare to Washington State's Minimum Wage?
In 2024, the minimum wage in Washington is $16.28 per hour.
Is it worth it?
That is completely up to you and your passions. But if you are going to dive in, do it head first and have no fear. Fear will hold you back, laugh it off and take chances. BUT also use your brain. Though, I am one to say,
If it Scares you, do it... With Legalities in mind. -Me
I will say though, If you do choose this route, Washington State ranks #4 out of 50 states for job salaries... Just sayiiinnn.
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