Oregon’s DEQ is relaunching the “Bad Apple” campaign, to encourage people to reduce the amount of edible food they throw away.  The DEQ’s Elaine Blatt said the on-air and online campaign is just in time for the holiday feasting season.


“We focus on mainly raising folks’ awareness of food waste and the money waste that goes along with it.  But then we also offer lots of tips and resources about mainly how to reduce food spoilage.”


Jerin Dinkins said taking steps to cut back on wasted food is pretty simple, free, and will likely lead to a smaller grocery bill.


“Plan ahead as much as possible.  And when you do inevitably have leftovers, be sure to give those leftovers just a little bit of extra love.”


That could include retooling recipes or preparing food to store in the freezer.  You’ll find more info at Don't Let Good Food Go Bad's Website.


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