The World’s Shortest Parade: Bring Your Pets
Calling all animal lovers. The time is nearly here to strut your pet's stuff before a large crowd this Saint Patrick's Day.
It's called the World's Shortest Parade. It will take place in Wenatchee down Orondo Street from Mission Street.
Allen Larsen, co-owner of Firehouse Pet Shop, has been helping organizers with the event for eight years.
"It's a wonderful parade route because it's exactly one block long and downhill. So everybody loves to march in a parade that goes downhill." Larsen said. "Get yourself all gussied up and definitely get your pets gussied up."
And it's not just cats and dogs. Larsen says people all over North Central Washington have brought a number of different animals to past parades.
"It's always great to see a couple of snakes. We've seen cats, we've seen small livestock. We've even seen a bird or two." Larsen said.
Of course, every parade must have a headliner.
"Probably the crowning achievement of the parade is the approximately 30 to 40 Pugs and Frenchies that lead the Wenatchee pug posse in the parade every year." Larsen said.
No registration is needed. All you have to do is show up at the staging area in front of the Wenatchee Valley Museum starting at 6:15pm on Friday. The parade starts at 7pm. The Humane Society and Okanogan County Dog Rescue will be on hand.
Afterwards, there will be a post-parade party at Pybus Public market where prizes will be given out.

Everyday items that our pets love more than their expensive toys