Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival Crowns 2023 Royal Court
The Royalty for the 2023 Washington State Apple Blossom Festival was selected Saturday night at the Royalty Selection Pageant sponsored by Cashmere Valley Bank.
The Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Royal Court for the 104th Festival are;
Queen Scarlette Cron, daughter of Adrienne Anderson and Matt Regan, and Tobias and Marcia Cron
Princess Dylan Schmitten, daughter of Brandon and Shannon Schmitten
Princess Natalie Pearson, daughter of Travis and Kristen Pearson
Just minutes after her coronation, Queen Scarlette was still trying to gather her thoughts on the moment when we caught her back stage "I still feel like I'm dreaming , I didn't think it would be my name called up there. I ugly cried in front of a couple of hundred people up there so that was cool. I love all of the girls so much and I'm so enthusiastic about this opportunity and all these amazing girls and I cannot wait to see where the next couple of months take us and what we get to do"
Princess Dylan Schmitten said in addition to being selected for the Royal Court, she will remember the bonding experience with the other nine young women "Nobody sees it back stage but we were having so much fun, I'll remember that bonding experience from this evening and from the whole top ten experience for the rest of my life"
Princess Natalie Pearson said she too had not imagined being named to the Royal Court but remembers seeing past Royalty visit the elementary schools "One of the things I was really excited for was to be able to be a role model for young girls so I'm excited to be able to go to the elementary schools".
A number of other scholarship and awards were handed out. The recipients were;
Achievement Award : Sophia Kinninger, daughter of Warren Kinninger and Petra Swidler $1,000 scholarship sponsored by Davis Arneil Law Firm LLP
Community Involvement Award : Elisha Barlett, daughter of Tim and Debra Bartlett $1,000 scholarship sponsored by seven local State Farm Agencies
Most Original Speech Award : Finnley Ottley, daughter of Shawn and Kelli Ottley $1,000 scholarship sponsored by Kottkamp, Yedinak & Esworthy
Photogenic Award : Kendall Flanagan, daughter of Ryan and Wendy Flanagan $1,000 of in-kind sponsored by Parsons Photography
Congeniality Award : Hannia Hernandez-Mendoza,daughter of Armando Hernandez and Elsi Mendoza $1,000 scholarship sponsored by Hankins Tibbits Law Firm PLLC

Having interviewed all of the candidates on KPQ earlier this month it would have been a tough decision for the panel of five out of town judges. The other seven competing Saturday night each earned a Candidate Award of a $1,000 scholarship sponsored by the Floor Factory Congratulations to;
- Elisha Bartlett, daughter of Tim and Debra Bartlett
- Kendall Flanagan, daughter of Ryan and Wendy Flanagan
- Rachael Hamilton, daughter of Chad and Jenny Hamilton
- Hannia Hernandez-Mendoza, daughter of Armando Hernandez and ElsiMendoza
- Sophia Kinninger, daughter of Warren Kinninger and Petra Swidler
- Finnley Ottley, daughter of Shawn and Kelli Ottley
- Taylor Williams, daughter of Michelle Voie and Brent Craig, and Daniel and Stephanie Williams
Each year, The Leman Johnson Award is presented to Festival volunteers who have made years of contributions in time and service with their commitment to the Apple Blossom Festival, the Wenatchee Central Lions Club and the community. This year, Mark and Kathy Lewis were recognized and graciously accepted the Lehman Johnson Award with a special thank you message and greeting.
Read more about the selection pageant and awards
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