Biking to work on a Snowy Wenatchee Morning
We are a one car family.
Yep. My wife and I share just one car.
I figure that whatever weather is happening - I will brave it and bike, walk (or Snowmageddon 2022 - with 2 feet of snow…snowshoe to work).
This morning’s wet snowy roads tested the limits of commuting to work - on a bike.
A half a foot of wet snow fell overnight. 1-2 inches of more snow AND freezing rain are in the forecast today (Thursday January 5th).
I really had to concentrate and not hit the deck.
My neighborhood streets weren't plowed yet - and there was ice and slushy sand underneath the 6 inches of new snow.
BIKING TIP for biking in loose sandy dirt/loose sandy snow:
Place as much weight on your back tire. This will help you NOT go down - when your front tire shifts and skids about on the unsettled ground beneath you.
ANOTHER BIKING TIP for biking in the Winter:
Use Studded tires - Info on those life saving studs and more Winter bike riding tips - can be found here.
Commuting to work on a bike has its risks.
A little more than 5 years ago, I was hit by a fast moving car on an early morning ride. I’m lucky to still be here.
That said - If you choose to ride an electric/fat tire/or regular commute bike like in the cold dark Winter months -
Do what I do:
Make sure you have a bright front head light
Make sure you have a bright red tail light (even better - one that blinks or orbs in the bright daylight hours) - people are more distracted than ever on the roads with their devices. Be seen and be safe.
As my Craig, my biking buddy likes to say: “Keep it rubber side down”
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