Yesterday, I was looking through Strava and saw status updates from Wenatchee hikers and trail runners  who have hiked and trail ran on the Saddle Rock Trail system 


Let me repeat...I saw people excitedly posted their pics of hikes & runs on Wenatchee's iconic, Saddle Rock Trail system!

Just to make sure, I checked with the Chelan Douglas Trust website (access it by clicking HERE) and saw their stamp of approval with permission for you to hike/trail run/mountain bike Saddle Rock trails:

Trails are now OPEN - Enjoy!” (Status update: THURSDAY October 27th)



"Sitting between the two bears" Photo credit: Connor


Saddle Rock closed down on Tuesday July 26th “for a months-long remediation project” (SOURCE  

To learn more about why Saddle Rock closed, click this LINK

Its hard to believe that our beloved trails have been closed for just a mere three months. Time away from those trails honestly feels much longer than that.

CREDIT: Connor

"Singletrack on the West end of the Saddle Rock trail System" - Credit: Connor


There is an excellent explanation of how the "Two Bears" and the rock formations all over the hill side formed - by one of my favorite youtube personalities: Nick Zentner, a professor of Geological Sciences at Central Washington in Ellensburg.

-Nick has traveled to the Wenatchee Valley several times and has made informative video lectures of how our area was formed. Nick's video, filmed at Saddle Rock is one of my favorites of his informative talks.

Click this link to watch. GEOL 351 - #12 - Saddle Rock (field trip)


My favorite way to get up to the top is not from the traditional way, from the parking lot. Its not even from Wenatchee’s 2nd favorite way up from the Jacobson Preserve, on the North/backside of the hill.

-Its from what I have named Saddle Rock’s “Service Elevator” An entry from South Hills Drive. A route that zig zags up and into a golden meadow of sage grass, you then power hike up onto the high ground and meet up with the bench that looks out and over our valley. From the bench, follow the singletrack trail and descend down to the bears. 

However you like to hike/run/or bike up, go do it! The Saddle Rock Trail system is once again open!


"The two bears at dusk" -Photo Credit Connor


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